Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Than Enough


A recent and yet quite random conversation yesterday left me extremely clear in my personal intentions. Shocking, as I am rarely clear on anything, not even in yoga. I am envious of those who are.

When I was in my teens, I thought I knew everything. I knew nothing.

When I was in my 20's I thought my life would be a "spectacular" achievement. I was going to do "something" amazing, live in Paris, London or New York. I would change the world in a way that most people could not begin to imagine. And although I was not yet sure what that "something" was going to be, I was positive in its outcome.

Oh, and I thought my family was completely screwed up.

Today, I am well into my 30's and my definition of a "spectacular" life has changed drastically. I am a "stay at home mom" with a plentiful social life full of rewarding friendships, a fulfilling and wonderful (not perfect) marriage, two children who challenge but "complete" me and a couple of animals who seem to think I am the pack leader. (not in that order) We never have enough money. The American Dream I never knew I wanted.


Nope. Never. Knew. I. Wanted.

I wanted a career in the Arts. A career in Fashion. I wanted to be skinny, drink lots of coffee and cocktails and smoke way to many cigarettes. I wanted to make tons of money. I wanted to party. A lot.

I dont do any of the above.

What I do, is roll around on carpets and let my toddler use my side handles as airplane supports. We read 30 page children's books, a lot. I forget to shower more than I will ever admit and I load up on antioxidant drinks that promise I will live to see my great-great grandchildren. I had better.

Everyone's family is screwed up. I pray my children come to the same conclusion one day.

What I have is more than enough and I am grateful for that every day.

We all should be.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Taylor! Great seeing you this past weekend. So glad that this was the first post I read of yours! Your honesty brought a few tears to my eyes. Very cool.

