Monday, July 2, 2012

Sweet Sadie Lane

Pixie Dust Age 2

Our bug turns 6 years old today and that seems impossible. . .  Impossible that in the flash of a moment, a blip in time and in the second that we layed eyes on her. . . that we were changed. Saved.  Our hearts stamped forever, engraved with eternal love for this child. More emotion than we could absorb, we both cried as we stared into the eyes of our new baby.

We will tell her the story of her birth throughout today, where we were, what we were feeling, how excited we were to finally meet her.  How I went into labor at Dean & Deluca, thirty minutes before we were supposed to go the movies to see Super Man.  As is an evident genetic superhero obsessive  trait, Scotty REALLY wanted to go. . .so we went and by the end of the movie the contractions were 8 minutes apart. Oh what an ordeal it was, the 4th of July fireworks were in South Park  and we were re-directed three times. . .

Last night, as I got to this part of the story, she stopped and said "What about Cooper?" Well, we told her. . ."Cooper wasnt even a thought in our mind or a peanut in my tummy." My answer must have suited her  because she literally dropped what she was doing and jumped into my arms. She held on for what seamed like forever, I hoped the moment would never end.

Sadie gets to have her own story, it's starts with mine but it ends with hers. I am lucky enough to get to edit it for just a while and then she will be grown and be her own writer and publisher.

It is one story that I cannot wait to read. . .

Much Love For Today,


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