1. No matter how much I try to convince myself that I am a hippie. I am not. I need good lighting, hate camping and require proper lingerie. My daughter, not so much...
Sadie Age 6
2. I will never, and I mean ever. . .live in a basement again. Not even for my next dream house. It doesn't exist if I have to live in a basement to get it.
3. I like my children between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
The hours between, not so much . . .
4. I am a chronic underachiever. I have said it before and well. . .that shizzle is still the same.
5. When comparing drawing to painting, my friend Mai Lis (a drawer) said she sees life and art "as the space between the lines." As a painter, "I see life in layers of color." Thus, I will never be a drawer or an architect.
From My New Series Street Art. . .
6. After getting pulled over for an apparent "California stop and roll" last Friday in my shorty, shorts in route to yoga and in the Sharon Elementary/ Foxcroft rush hour. . . I declared to Scotty "Every time I get pulled over it brings back bad memories of going to jail." From the back seat, I heard a "MOMMY, YOU HAVE BEEN TO JAIL!" screech come from Sadie. . .forgot that little bugger was still there. oops. . .
That is not me. . .
7. We are the loudest family alive, for about 100 different reasons. None of them are worth elaborating on. . .
I have no idea why...
8. Cooper is 5 1/2 years old. Today he learned to turn the television on. He pressed the red button. We are extremely proud.
Yeah, We know. . You know. . where he gets it from...